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Savanna Research

Interdisciplinary research on fire and drought impacts on African Savanna Ecosystems.

Our Research

Ecological research investigating the effects of fire and drought on savanna ecosystems represents a collaborative effort among botany and remote sensing research teams focused on the dynamics of South African savannas.

Tree Analysis

We perform in-depth botanical assessments of trees to evaluate the effects of fire and drought on their health and ecosystem dynamics.

UAS measurements

Using UAS drone-based earth observation methodologies, we seek to elucidate the intricate spatio-temporal dynamics between savanna structural characteristics and fire frequency.

Landscape Analysis

The research project focuses on comprehensive analyses that span from localized interactions to broader landscape-level dynamics, facilitating an understanding of both small- and large-scale ecological relationships.

About us

We are a collaborative and interdisciplinary consortium of researchers, each with extensive expertise in botany, ecology, conservation, and earth observation. Our mission is to leverage advanced remote sensing techniques in conjunction with in-situ measurements to conduct comprehensive research on savanna ecosystems. We focus on elucidating the complex effects of fire and drought on tree populations, striving to generate critical insights that will enhance conservation strategies and foster ecological resilience.

Chair of Plant Ecology

We are linking empirical work with statistical and process-based modelling as essential for developing the science of ecology to the point where we can make reliable predictions on issues critical to society such as the survival of biodiversity and the functioning of the Earth System.

Earth Observation Research Cluster

The EORC conducts research using space-borne and air-borne (UAS, UAV, drones) sensors for various global change topics such as impact of climate change of vegetation, water as well as ice and snow.


We are conducting an in-depth analysis of the pivotal roles that fire and drought play in shaping savanna vegetation dynamics. Our research employs rigorous laboratory and field experiments to assess the effects of these environmental stressors on the vitality and growth patterns of savanna trees. Currently, our investigations are centered in the ecologically rich Kruger National Park, South Africa, where we strive to uncover critical insights into these complex ecological interactions.

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